Ready-to-use and scalable online tutoring in-app chat API. Get fast delivery messaging, group chat, and collaboration tools to connect students and teachers.
Start Free TrialEnable instant, smooth chat between students and teachers. In-app chat allows students to get the help they need, when they need it – no more delayed responses, emails, or calls.
Bring your classroom together with resource sharing and peer support. Make learning interactive with message reactions, threads, user mentions, polls, and push notifications.
Powerful moderation tools let you prevent misuse of the messaging feature. Easily filter out unacceptable content, bad language, and offensive messages.
Host millions of concurrent connections in a single chat channel. This is ideal for educational services platforms looking to improve their offering and enable group learning and peer support.
Enjoy smooth conversations with our innovative binary messaging protocol. Sceyt ensures super low-latency delivery of messages and updates to keep your students engaged.
Students and teachers can continue conversations across devices. Smooth syncing allows for switching between desktop and mobile without missing any messages.
Grow your e-learning platform with no performance decline. Flexible pricing, based on active users, allows for rapid scaling. Create virtual classrooms that grow with your user base, allowing live chat for millions of students.
Full-featured chat for dynamic learning
Competitive Pricing
Our pricing is not one-size-fits-all. Flexible pricing to suit your needs.
Unrivaled Reliability
Unique binary messaging protocol guarantees smooth communication.
Easy Integration
Rapidly integrate our API, SDKs, UI kits, Webhooks to manage chat features.
Dynamic Scalability
Sceyt adapts to support your growth without any performance loss.
Full Customization
Adapt and customize our in-app chat API to fit your specific goals.
Powerful Analytics
In-built tools reveal user behavior insights for enhanced performance.