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No Hassle, Fast Integration Chat API for iOS, SDK, and UI Kit

Efficient iOS chat solutions – integrate Sceyt Chat SDK and UI Kit quickly, freeing up your coding time.

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Boost Your iOS App with Our Feature-Rich Chat SDK and UI Kit

Boost Your iOS App with Our Feature-Rich Chat SDK and UI Kit
  • Quick integrationdown icon

    Add chat features swiftly with our user-friendly SDK and UI Kit.
  • Performance-centricdown icon

    Maintain your app's speed with our light, high-performance native SDK.
  • Scalable solutionsdown icon

    Sceyt scales with your app's growth, handling growing traffic effortlessly.
  • Safe and privatedown icon

    Safeguard user data and ensure privacy with our in-built security features.
  • Real-time messagingdown icon

    Engage users with immediate chat capabilities.
  • Large channel supportdown icon

    Accommodate millions of users effortlessly in a single channel.
  • Advanced chat featuresdown icon

    Delight users with read receipts, typing indicators, message reactions, and more.
  • Dependable supportdown icon

    Our expert team is here for you, every step of the way.

Personalize Sceyt to Enhance Your iOS Chat Experience

customizable ui kit

Customizable UI Kit

Select from ready-made components to seamlessly tailor your in-app chat.

efficiency and ease

Efficiency and ease

No need to start from scratch – expand and personalize with our versatile UI Kit.

consistent branding

Brand consistency

Align your app design to maintain brand consistency.

unique chat features

Unique chat features

Incorporate standout UX features that leave a lasting impression.

Sceyt Chat SDK & UI Kit for iOS – Your Gateway to a Dynamic Chat Experience

Sceyt Chat SDK lays the groundwork for integrating our chat API into your iOS app, empowering you to craft a tailor-made and responsive in-app chat experience. Begin by downloading our SDK and begin integrating chat features with ease.

How It Works

The Sceyt Chat SDK links flawlessly with our chat API, delivering powerful messaging features without the necessity for custom coding. It handles everything from user authentication, real-time messaging, to advanced chat functionalities.

Our UI Kit, built on top of the Sceyt Chat SDK, offers pre-designed UI components like chat lists, message lists, and attachment previews to streamline chat integration.


See Sceyt in Action

Experience our iOS chat SDK and UI Kit with our interactive demo app. Uncover how Sceyt can redefine your app and bring it to life with top-notch chat features. Start unlocking the potential of our iOS chat API today!

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Want to Find Out More About Sceyt’s iOS Chat API? We Can Help.

  • How can I integrate Sceyt Chat API into my iOS app?down icon

    Incorporate chat functionality seamlessly with Sceyt's chat SDK and modern UI Kit. Our developer-friendly tools simplify the process of introducing a full-featured and customizable chat experience to your iOS app.
  • What is the best in-app chat SDK for iOS developers?down icon

    Sceyt provides one of the top in-app chat SDKs for iOS developers, featuring a range of capabilities including rapid integration, superiorperformance, scalability, and customization options. Our SDK ensures a seamless chat experience while preserving app speed and security.
  • How can I customize the chat UI for my iOS app?down icon

    Sceyt offers a UI Kit with a wide range of prebuilt components that are easily customizable to match your app's design and branding. Our SDK also provides flexibility in adjusting chat features and functionality to create a unique user experience.
  • What are the key features of Sceyt's iOS chat SDK?down icon

    Sceyt's iOS chat SDK boasts a variety of features, such as real-time messaging, advanced chat features (read receipts, typing indicators, message reactions), rich media support, in-built security, and reliable support from our dedicated team.
  • How do I get started with Sceyt's iOS chat SDK and UI Kits?down icon

    Start by signing up for a free trial of Sceyt. Install our SDK and explore our modern UI Kit to customize your in-app chat experience. Our dedicated dev team will be available to assist you throughout the integration process.

How can I integrate Sceyt Chat API into my iOS app?

Experience the benefits of swift integration, high-performance solutions, and customizable features that upgrade your in-app chat experience.

Make the move today, and reach out to our dedicated dev team for support throughout the integration process.
