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Sceyt vs Twilio

Sceyt vs Twilio In-App Chat – Looking for A Twilio Chat Alternative?

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In-app chat is quickly becoming a must-have feature for many apps and platforms.

Integrating messaging and chat features can provide benefits such as increased user engagement and retention, improved customer services, and building thriving communities.

But not all in-app chat solutions and chat APIs are the same.

In this guide, we’re going to compare two leading chat API solutions – Sceyt and Twilio side-by-side. We'll evaluate criteria such as pricing, scalability, features, customization, and more.

By the end of this guide, you'll know the strengths and weaknesses of each chat solution. From this, you’ll be able to decide which one is the best fit for your app.

Twilio Overview

Twilio is a communications platform as a service (CPaaS) provider that powers in-app messaging, voice, and video for businesses. They provide the infrastructure and APIs to enable in-app communication.

Some of Twilio's key capabilities and focus areas include:

  • Enterprise-grade security and reliability
  • Global cloud infrastructure
  • Carrier-grade messaging and connectivity
  • Robust platform for voice, video, and chat
  • Powering customer engagement and support use cases
  • APIs for omnichannel communication

Twilio offers programmable SMS, voice, video, and chat APIs to add messaging, calling, and live video streaming to web and mobile apps.

Overall, Twilio positions itself as an enterprise-level communication platform tailored for large-scale deployment. Twilio’s strengths lie in security, reliability and omnichannel APIs.

Feature Comparison Between Sceyt and Twilio

In the following sections, we’re going to compare the features, benefits, and capabilities of the two in-app chat API solutions – Sceyt and Twilio. We’ll look at the main differences and help you decide whether Sceyt is a strong Twilio alternative.

By the time you’ve read through all the feature comparisons, you’ll have a good idea of which chat API best meets your needs.

Pricing Comparison Between Sceyt and Twilio

Pricing & Concurrent UsersSceytTwilio
1K Monthly Active UsersStarter $99$75
5K Monthly Active UsersGrowth $349$250
10K Monthly Active UsersGrowth $499$475
25K Monthly Active UsersStandard $849$1,125
Concurrently Connected Users100%n/a

Sceyt provides a more structured pricing model based on different user tiers. This makes it easy for businesses to identify the cost associated with their user base. The pricing for Twilio, while competitive, tends increases more significantly as the MAU count grows.

One of the notable advantages of Sceyt over Twilio is the capability to support 100% concurrently connected users across all pricing tiers. This feature is ideal for businesses that anticipate high user engagement or plan to grow quickly.

Sceyt’s commitment to 100% concurrently connected users means that all active users can be online and interact in real-time without incurring additional charges.

In summary, Sceyt's pricing structure and maximum concurrently connected users capability is a more cost-effective and reliable solution for businesses. On the other hand, Twilio's pricing might be suitable for businesses with different scaling needs or those already invested in Twilio's ecosystem.

Support Plan Comparison Between Sceyt and Twilio

Support is included in pricing packages. No extra charges apply.Developer Free
Web support
3 hours support response
8/5 support
Growth2 hours support response
8/5 supportStandard1 hour support response
8/5 supportEnterprise30 min support response
Customer success manager
24/7 support
Greater of 4% of monthly spend or $250
+Guaranteed response time P1- 3 business hrs
Guaranteed response time P2- 6 business hrs
Guaranteed response time P3- 9 business hrs
API status notifications
Live Chat support
BusinessGreater of 6% of monthly spend or $1,500
+Guaranteed response time
P1- 1 hour (24/7)
Guaranteed response time P2- 2
business hrs
Guaranteed response time P3- 3
business hrs
Phone support
PersonalizedGreater of 8% of monthly spend or $5,000
+ Technical account manager
Support escalation line
Quarterly status review

Sceyt takes a transparent and inclusive approach towards customer support with costs included in the pricing packages. Businesses get a tiered support response time, dependent on the pricing tier they choose.

Across all plans, Sceyt provides a consistent 8/5 support during standard working hours. The Enterprise plan takes support a notch higher with 24/7 support and a Customer Success Manager. This adds more personalized attention, ensuring complex or critical issues are addressed promptly and efficiently.

Twilio’s support plans are based on a percentage of monthly spend or a fixed cost. This structure offers different levels of support, response times, and additional features at different tiers. Notably, Twilio’s personalized support plan stands out by extending a more hands-on support experience and a dedicated technical account manager, support escalation line, and quarterly status reviews.

To sum up, both Sceyt and Twilio offer solid support options. Sceyt's transparent support across pricing tiers is ideal for businesses that want to control costs, but still access top-tier support.

Deployment Comparison Between Sceyt and Twilio

Multi-region supportticktick
Dedicated infrastructureticktick
Regional proxyticktick
On-premises (full data control)tickcancel
Multi-tenant (multiple isolated applications)ticktick

Both Sceyt and Twilio cater to a global user base with multi-region support, ensuring reliable and speedy services regardless of user location. They also share the regional proxy feature, optimizing connection speed and reliability by providing a local connection point to the global network. Multi-Tenant deployment is available on both platforms, facilitating multiple isolated applications under one account.

However, when it comes to offering a dedicated infrastructure – Sceyt offers it, while Twilio does not. Sceyt also stands out by offering on-premises full data control. This is ideal for organizations with strict data governance and compliance mandates. The absence of an on-Premises deployment option in Twilio may be a deal-breaker, especially for businesses with strict data control requirements, eg. healthcare or financial services.

Overall, Sceyt presents a more flexible and comprehensive deployment framework, especially for businesses with specific data needs. Twilio's deployment framework might require businesses to adapt based on compliance needs.

Security and Compliance Comparison Between Sceyt and Twilio

Security and ComplianceSceytTwilio
TLS(SSL) encryption in transitticktick
AES encryption at restticktick

Both Sceyt and Twilio have strong security and compliance features. They both meet SOC2, ISO27001, GDPR, and HIPAA standards, which are important for businesses in fields like healthcare and finance. They also use TLS (SSL) encryption for data in transit and AES encryption for data at rest to keep information secure.

To summarize, both chat APIs take security seriously, making either a safe choice for integrating chat solutions into your business operations.

Connectivity Comparison Between Sceyt and Twilio

Connection and Data formatSceytTwilio
Data formatProtobuf(Binary)JSON(Text)

Sceyt and Twilio support WebSockets, a protocol for full-duplex communication channel over a single, long-lasting connection. This ensures faster, real-time messaging.

When it comes to data format, Sceyt utilizes Protobuf (Binary), which is efficient and helps in reducing lag, while Twilio uses JSON (Text), which is easy to read and debug.

In summary, while both provide reliable connectivity, Sceyt might have a slight edge in performance due to its data format. However, Twilio might be easier to debug due to its human-readable format.

Platform Management Comparison Between Sceyt and Twilio

Role-based dashboard accessticktick
Moderation dashboardticktick

Sceyt and Twilio offer dashboards, role-based access, and statistics to manage the platform. But Sceyt has an extra feature - a moderation dashboard. This is great for managing user interactions and keeping the app environment respectful and safe. Twilio doesn’t have this, so you might need other tools for content moderation.

In conclusion, Sceyt offers a moderation dashboard, while Twilio does not. This adds an extra layer of control for maintaining a safe communication environment.

Integration Comparison Between Sceyt and Twilio

Mobile and Web SDKsticktick
REST APIticktick
Chat Bots interfaceOver WebhooksOver Webhooks
Third party integrationsticktick
UI Kit design for mobile & Webticktick
UI Kit with customizable componentsticktick
Multi-language UI Kitticktick

Sceyt and Twilio differ considerably in terms of UI Kits. Sceyt has a good range of integration features, including UI Kits for mobile and web with customizable components, as well as a multi-language UI Kit. This is a plus if you have users worldwide as it can make the app more user-friendly for a global audience.

Twilio doesn’t offer any UI Kits which makes it difficult for apps that want to customize the chat feature to match their branding and appeal to a broad user base. Without a UI Kit, app developers need to create the chat UI from scratch, which is time consuming.

In summary, Sceyt's UI Kits could be a deciding factor for organizations looking to provide a more customizable, localized, and inclusive UX. UI Kits save a lot of time and make the integration of in-app chat features much faster.

Scalability Comparison Between Sceyt and Twilio

Support for millions of users in one applicationticktick
Support for millions of users in a single channeltickMax 1000 members
All channel members receive push notificationstickNot Specified
Message retention periodUnlimitedMax 13 months

Scalability is important for apps expecting growth. Both chat APIs are capable of supporting millions of users in one app, which meets the needs of large-scale operations.

However, Sceyt can host millions of users in a single channel, whereas Twilio caps at 1000 members per channel. This may impact apps that offer large group chats.

When it comes to push notifications, Sceyt ensures all channel members are notified about new messages and interactions. Sceyt also provides unlimited retention, beneficial for long-term storage needs, whereas Twilio limits retention to just 13 months.

In a nutshell, both platforms offer good scalability, but Sceyt leads in single channel capacity and message retention. This caters better to businesses with large-scale chat or long-term message storage needs.

General Chat Features Comparison Between Sceyt and Twilio

General Chat FeaturesSceytTwilio
One-to-one chatticktick
Group chatticktick
Channel messagingticktick
Chat folderstickcancel
Media and file sharingticktick
On-device thumbnail generatortickcancel
User mentionsticktick
Unread message countticktick
Unread mentions counttickcancel
Delivery and read receiptsticktick
Custom receiptstickcancel
Message reactionsticktick
User presenceticktick
Typing indicatorsticktick
Rich link previewticktick
Message threadingticktick
Offline message storageticktick
Built-in message forwardingtickcancel
Message translationOver Third PartyOver Third Party
Delete message for all and self usertickcancel
Metadata on users, channels, messagesticktick
Push notificationsticktick
SMS notificationsticktick
Email notificationsticktick
Reply to chat via emailticktick
Mute notificationsticktick
User privacy settingstickcancel
User-to-user blockingticktick
Custom channel eventsticktick
Custom member rolesticktick
Contact managementtickcancel
Message searchticktick
Channel searchticktick
User searchticktick
Message reportingticktick
Message AI moderationOver Third PartyOver Third Party
Programmable Functionsticktick
Built-in audio/video callingticktick

Sceyt and Twilio both offer core chat features such as one-to-one chat, group chat, channel messaging, and others that form the backbone of solid in-app chat.

Sceyt stands out though, as it offers a range of additional features not found in Twilio. This includes features such as chat folders, on-device thumbnail generator, user mentions, and several others which significantly enhance user engagement and privacy. These features unlock benefits such as interactive conversations, organized chat management, and enhanced user safety.

Twilio stands out with SMS capability, which is an extra channel for user notifications. For message translation, both platforms rely on third-party services.

Overall, while both platforms have strong core chat features, Sceyt's additional functionalities make it ideal for apps that aim for a high-quality, feature-rich chat experience.

Key Differences Between Sceyt and Twilio Explained

Chat Features

Both Sceyt and Twilio come with a variety of in-app chat features, yet there are several areas where Sceyt takes the lead, enhancing the chat experience significantly.

  • Chat Folders: Unique to Sceyt, chat folders allow users to organize their conversations into different folders and sub-folders, streamlining management and navigation.
  • On-device Thumbnail Generator: Sceyt creates previews for shared multimedia files, enhancing UX and saving user data by negating the need for full file downloads.
  • User Mentions and Unread Mentions Count: Sceyt supports user mentions and provides a count of unread mentions in a conversation.
  • Custom Receipts: Sceyt allows for custom receipts providing more detailed acknowledgment statuses which is not a feature found in Twilio.
  • Message Reactions: Sceyt enables message reactions allowing for more interactive and engaging conversations, a feature not supported by Twilio.
  • Rich Link Preview: Unlike Twilio, Sceyt provides rich link previews enhancing the sharing of URLs within the chat.
  • Offline Messaging and Built-in Message Forwarding: Sceyt ensures message delivery even when the user is offline.
  • User Privacy Settings and User-to-User Blocking: Sceyt offers user privacy settings and user-to-user blocking, enhancing user privacy and safety.
  • Contact Management, Message Search, and Channel Search: Sceyt makes it easier to manage contacts, find past messages, and discover channels.

Low Latency with Sceyt's Binary Data Transfer

Sceyt and Twilio connect users quickly and reliably though in-app chat features. However, Sceyt takes the lead with its in-house binary messaging protocol which uses Protobuf, known for compact data representation. Twilio uses JSON (text) format which is slightly slower. Low latency binary data is especially useful in places where network bandwidth is an issue.

Superior Scalability with Sceyt

Both Sceyt and Twilio chat APIs are designed and built to support millions of users to meet the expectations of large-scale apps. In terms of scalability, Sceyt outperforms Twilio with support for millions of users in a single channel. This is essential for apps that offer large group chats. Twilio is limited to a maximum of 1000 members per channel.

Pricing Transparency

Sceyt’s straightforward pricing model uses tiers based on the number of Monthly Active Users (MAU). This makes it easy to understand the monthly charges, with no surprises in store as your user base grows. Plus, all the support costs are already included in the package prices.

On the other hand, Twilio's pricing increases as more users join. Their support plans are more complex, either calculated as a percentage of your monthly spend or a flat fee. The level of support and response times you get vary in each package.


When it comes to in-app chat solutions, Sceyt and Twilio are both strong contenders. Each solution has its strengths, but Sceyt pulls ahead in a few notable areas.

For instance, Sceyt's pricing is clear and predictable and the chat API allows 100% concurrent users across all pricing tiers. Also, the use of WebSockets and binary Protobuf for data transfer means that the in-app chat experience is more likely to be fast and smooth.

Sceyt also throws in some extra chat features, better privacy settings, and a customizable UI Kits. The fact that Twilio lacks UK Kits means that the integration time will be much longer.

Twilio, on the other hand, covers all the basic chat features well. It also has the unique SMS notifications feature, which might be useful for some businesses.

In conclusion, Sceyt offers the best overall blend of technical efficiency, enhanced UX, and clear pricing. It's the number one Twilio alternative if you're looking for speed, scalability, and high levels of user engagement.