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High-Performing Chat API for Web, SDK and UI Kit

Add Advanced Chat Features to Your Web App with Sceyt's API, SDK and Modern UI Kit.

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Enhance Your Web App with Feature-Rich Chat SDK and UI Kit

In app chat
  • Rapid Integrationchevron-down

    Add chat functionalities within minutes using our developer-friendly SDK and UI Kit.
  • Maximize App Performance`chevron-down`

    Maintain high-speed performance with our optimized, lightweight SDK.
  • Scalable for Growthchevron-down

    Sceyt grows with your app, effortlessly managing increases in traffic.
  • Prioritize User Privacychevron-down

    Ensure data security and privacy with our built-in security features.
  • Instant Messagingchevron-down

    Engage users with real-time chat features.
  • Massive Channel Supportchevron-down

    Accommodate millions of users within a single channel.
  • Advanced Chat Featureschevron-down

    Read receipts, typing indicators, message reactions, and more.
  • Reliable Supportchevron-down

    Trust in our expert team to guide you, every step of the way.

Customizable and Consistent Web Chat

customizable ui kit

Customizable UI Kit

Use prebuilt components to easily tailor your in-app chat experience.

avoid starting from zero

Avoid Starting from Zero

Leverage our flexible UI Kit to save time and resources.

maintain brand consistency

Maintain Brand Consistency

Keep your web app design coherent and aligned with your brand.

unique chat features

Unique chat features

Integrate standout UX features that leave a lasting impression.

Sceyt Chat SDK & UI Kit for Dynamic Web Chat

Sceyt Chat SDK lays the groundwork for integrating our chat API into your web app, providing flexibility to build a personalized, responsive web chat experience. Download our SDK and unlock a world of interactive messaging capabilities.

How It Works

Sceyt Chat SDK effortlessly syncs with our chat API, providing robust messaging features without requiring custom development. It efficiently manages user authentication, real-time messaging, and advanced chat functionalities.

Our UI Kit, built on the Sceyt Chat SDK, offers pre-built UI components such as chat lists, message lists, and attachment previews for seamless chat integration.


See Sceyt in Action

Dive into the world of Sceyt and experience first-hand the impact of our web chat SDK and UI Kit through our interactive demo app. Familiarize yourself with Sceyt's capabilities before making your decision.

Get a feel for the enhanced communication features, superior user interface, and seamless functionality we offer. Check out Sceyt today.

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Any Questions About Sceyt Web Chat API? We’ve Got The Answers.

  • How can I integrate Sceyt Chat API into my web app?chevron-down

    Incorporating chat functionalities into your web app is a breeze with Sceyt's robust SDK and modern UI Kit. Our developer-centric tools make it straightforward to add a comprehensive and customizable chat experience to your web app.
  • What is the best in-app chat SDK for web developers?chevron-down

    Sceyt provides one of the top in-app chat SDKs for web developers, boasting features such as quick integration, high performance, scalability, and customization options. Our SDK offers a smooth chat experience while maintaining app speed and security.
  • How can I customize the chat UI for my web app?chevron-down

    Sceyt's UI Kit provides an array of prebuilt components that are easily customizable to fit your web app's design and branding. Our SDK also provides flexibility in adapting chat features and functionalities to create a unique user experience.
  • What are the main features of Sceyt's web chat SDK?chevron-down

    Sceyt's web chat SDK offers a variety of features, such as real-time messaging, advanced chat features (read receipts, typing indicators, message reactions), rich media support, built-in security, and unwavering support from our dedicated team.
  • How do I get started with Sceyt's web chat SDK and UI kits?chevron-down

    Kickstart your journey by signing up for a free trial of Sceyt. Install our SDK and dive into our modern UI Kit to personalize your in-app chat experience. Our devoted dev team will be available to assist you throughout the integration process.

Ready to Amp Up Your Web App's Chat Experience?

Experience speedy integration, performance-optimized solutions, and customizable features to enhance your web chat.

Begin today and connect with our dedicated dev team for support during the integration process.
